- Introduction
Central Africa boosts more than 2.87 million km2 of forest ecosystems, comprising both humid and dry forests. However, the most dominant feature of the region is the 2.27 million km2 of closed canopy tropical forests that are home to endemic and emblematic species, including Great Apes (chimps, bonobos and gorillas) and forest elephants. The Congo Basin forests provide vital regional and global ecological services as carbon sinks, basin catchments, and regulators of climate. The forest ecosystems also provide livelihoods and services to over 60 million people who live in or near the forests and fulfil social and cultural functions essential to local and indigenous populations.
Climate change has emerged as a major threat to ecological and evolutionary processes, biodiversity and dependent communities. Climate variability and change, combined with anthropogenic factors will affect the capacity of forests to deliver a wide range of products and services and sustain livelihoods, hence compromising conservation gains and the ability of dependent populations to escape the poverty trap. The available data suggest a statistically significant warming over Central Africa with an increase in warm extremes (e.g. warmest day increased by about 0.25°C per decade) and a decrease in the occurrence of cold spells. Countries in the region are considered to be among the most vulnerable due to high dependency on rain-fed agriculture, poor socio-economic indicators, lack of governance framework and low levels of infrastructural development.
As part of the Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI), TRIDOM landscape via WWF Cameroon Country Program Office (WWF CCPO) has secured funds to undertake a comprehensive climate change assessment of the 178,000 km2 shared TRIDOM transboundary landscape. The TRIDOM landscape covers nearly 10% of the Congo Basin rainforests in Cameroon, Gabon, and Congo-Brazzaville, and currently includes 13 protected areas (in total 42,319 km² or 24% of TRIDOM, Table 1).
Table 1: Protected Areas in the TRIDOM Landscape
WWF-support areas | Other areas |
Ngoyla-Mintom Massif (Cameroon) | Ivindo (Gabon) |
Ngoyla-Wildlife Reserve (Cameroon) | Lossi (R Congo) |
Ntokou Pikounda (R Congo) | Minkebe (Gabon) |
Odzala Kokoua (R Congo) | Dja Reserve (Cameroon) |
Nki (Cameroon) | Mwagna (Gabon) |
Boumba Bek (Cameroon) | Kom (Cameroon) |
Mengame Gorilla Sanctuary (Cameroon) |
WWF CCPO seeks the services of a consultant to undertake community level vulnerability assessments in communities adjacent protected areas to assess direct impacts on people and their livelihoods and potential indirect impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems as communities cope with and adapt to impacts. The study will complement an ongoing vulnerability assessment with focus on the potential ecological and socio-economic impacts of climate change on protected areas, and the capacity of protected area managers to adapt to the climate threats. WWF’s TRIDOM Team is in the process of developing a 5-year TRIDOM Conservation Strategy and Plan. They are developing or bracing up for a mid-term review of Country Strategic Plans. This study is will inform these processes and hence the future adaptation interventions that can be supported by WWF and partners in the TRIDOM Landscape.
- Goal and Objectives of the Assignment
The goal of the assignment is to carry out participatory climate change vulnerability assessments in up to 30 communities, including 5-10 Indigenous Communities, in the TRIDOM Landscape
The main objectives are:
- Identify the main environmental and socio-economic changes observed in TRIDOM in the last 10 years
- Identify possible causes for these changes and the possible contribution of Climate Change
- To identify suitable CC adaptation options in conjunction with communities.
Sub-objectives are:
- To identify and record communities’ observations of changes in weather and climate in the select communities;
- To identify and record communities’ experiences of changes in livelihoods and wellbeing of community members
- To identify and record communities’ experiences of changes observed in agriculture
- To identify and record communities’ experiences of changes in migration of people into and out of the area, where they came from or where they went
- To identify and record communities’ experiences of changes in natural resources (wood, grass, wild plants, fresh water, NTFP, bushmeat,..) that communities use in the select communities;
- To identify and record communities’ experiences of changes in biodiversity (wildlife, forests, fish and ecosystems); and how this is impacting on the community members
- To identify how communities are responding to climate vulnerability and shocks
- Tasks
Phase 1: Development of methodology in collaboration with WWF and partners
- identification of communities in which to undertake the CCVAs, including rationale for their selection
- the approach and methodology that will be used in the assessments, and rationale for why selected
- Read background materials (partly porvided by WWF)
The study will include both qualitative and quantitative assessments. In addition to approach and methodology proposed by the consultants, the methodology should include the WWF’s climate crowd methodology where the consultants will be trained prior to the data collection. The consultants should also take account of the results of the study on climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessment for the TRIDOM’s protected areas. The final methodology will be validated by WWF before the data collection per see.
Phase 2: Participatory assessments
The assessment will be conducted in a participatory manner with the involvement of TRIDOM communities.
Phase 3: Findings presentation
Consultants will present the findings of the study to a workshop to allow WWF and the key stakeholders providing their feedbacks and inputs (both the community vulnerability assessment and adaptation options).
Phase 4: Final report of each assessment, including adaptation options
Based on the workshop recommendations, the consultants will produce the final reports.
- Deliverables
The following shall be the key deliverables of this assignment:
- Methodology to be used
- Draft report incorporating assessment findings, including adaptation options
- Final report incorporating workshop recommendations
- Timeframe
The expected start date is 15 December 2019. This assignment will be spread over a period of not more than 3 Months from the date of the contract and final deliverable should be received by 30 March 2020
- Required qualifications and experience
The preferred consultant should be self-driven and innovative, possessing amongst them the following qualifications.
- University degree or higher academic credentials in Natural Resources, Climate, Environment or other related and development sciences with experience of not less than 5 years with similar assignments
- Experience in the TRIDOM landscape and particpatory approaches
- Experiences in climate vulnerability assessments and adaptation work around protected areas/parks, landscapes and their surrounding communities.
- Extensive experience in community engagement work in Central Africa
- Fluent in French.
- Ability to deliver a high quality report in French and English.
Coordination and supervision
The WWF Cameroon Climate Change and Energy Practice Focal Point will supervise the work and approve all deliverables and receipts.
Offer presentation
Interested consultants should send the following documents/information:
- A technical offer explaining the detail methodology, organization of the mission, means, a detail planning of execution based on the ToR and expectations,
- The consultant’s resume (max 2 pages) which shall state clearly any experience similar to the objectives of the present call for service, indicating key references and the field of specialization
- A financial offer in XAF. The budget should give details of consultancy days by category as well as daily rates, along with management secretariat costs (if appropriate). Daily rates and expenditures should be shown separately.
- Consultants are subject to the payment of VAT (19.25 %) and Income Tax (5.50%) on honoraria/and or any applicable tax, e.g., special tax on revenue. Operational expense are tax-exempt but must be justified, else they will be subject the indicated taxes. A remark on these taxes and any other applicable tax should appear in the financial offer. The offer should show tax-exempt and taxable costs. Where costs are tax-exempt, explanations should be provided.
- Copies of administrative documents – registration, taxpayer’s card, certificate of non-indebtedness to tax authority.
The highest or lowest cost bidder may not necessarily be awarded this contract. Overall cost and best value for the budget will be strongly considered. WWF is under no obligation to issue a contract because of this call for tenders. Bids should be in ONE file (PDF) and submitted