Business and Industries coordinator


The World Wide Fund for Nature Seeks a

Business and Industries coordinator

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is one of the largest independent conservation organizations in the world. We are an international NGO committed to environmental protection active in almost 100 countries We have been working in the Congo Basin in Central Africa for more than 20 years. Our mission is to stop the environmental degradation in the world and build a future where humans live in harmony with nature. WWF has a large and growing conservation programme in Central Africa. We are implementing various projects dealing with protected areas management, forest management; support to various NGOs, Civil Society Organisations and many government ministries (Agriculture, Education, planning etc.) to promote sustainable development.
Large scale direct investment in the Congo Basin is on the increase with an explosion of new development projects, notably mining, oil, infrastructure and agro-industry (palm oil, Cocoa, Rubber). These projects will have major direct and indirect environmental and social impacts, with large areas of pristine tropical rainforest permanently destroyed, and large numbers of rural communities affected. The impact on wildlife and forest ecology cannot be underestimated with impacts on sensitive Great Apes (gorilla and Chimpanzee), elephant and other bush meat species populations. The direct impacts can be summarized as follows:

1. Direct loss of HCV forest and important wildlife habitat in WWF priority places;
2. Increased consumption of Great apes and bushmeat and elephant poaching for ivory;
3. Deforestation and forest degradation;
4. Accelerated erosion, water, air and noise pollution;
5. Social costs;
6. Opportunity costs to both the State and local communities.
Indirectly, the current scramble for Africa’s natural resources and especially for countries of the Congo Basin region leads to conflict over available land, resulting in overlap between, for example, palm oil concessions and protected areas, or mineral exploration permits and forestry concessions. For Cameroon, the extractives (mining, etc.) has become an important aspect for the country’s economic growth and it is drawing international interest from especially from the new emerging countries particularly China. Focus on the exploitation of extractive resources, development of large agro-industries (especially palm oil and rubber plantations), small holders of cocoa plantation and large scale infrastructures is carried out at the expense of natural resource base as several of these projects are found within PAs and some areas of high conservation value. Integrated land use planning, taking into account both conservation and developmental needs is a key tool to solve these conflicts.

If WWF wants to be an actor to curb these trends, these developments require immediate action with unique opportunities. As all these activities are so new for the Congo Basin, many key actors are open for our advice and collaboration. It is an opportunity now to ‘get things right’.
As some of the largest developments in the extractives, large scale and infrastructure sectors take place in Cameroun, WWF Cameroon are therefore seeking a Business & Industries Coordinator to support and coordinate sustainable extractive industries, Agro-industries and infrastructure development including promoting the adoption of environmental and social best practices and norms by Chinese operators as well as promote the adoption of an integrated land use plan in the Cameroun.

Location: Yaoundé, Cameroon

Duration: 1 year, renewable

Major functions:

The Coordinator will, within the framework of the WWF Regional strategic plan and the CCPO strategic plan, for 2018-2023, facilitate development, refinement, and implementation of WWF’s strategic approach regarding Agro-industries development, extractive industry exploitation and exploration within the Cameroun, ensure the implementation of the WWF regional palm oil strategy, coordinate activities around the WWF’s cocoa development focused around small holder producer with zero net deforestation, China for a Global Shift Initiative including following up the implementation of the different FOCAC Ministerial Action plans in Cameroon, support WWF policy related work including follow-up of international conventions like the CBD and the different multilateral environmental agreements and support the integrated land use planning process in Cameroon. A primary responsibility will be coordination to ensure vertical integration of ROA extractives, palm oil, China for a Global Initiative and land use plan work from the field to the Regional office and beyond. This position will be based in Yaoundé with travel to the field to support on-going field programme efforts.
In the context of this post, WWF CCPO is including large scale agro-industry (palm oil, Rubber), and cocoa development as well as oil, gas, mining and associated infrastructure including all China and policy related work under the banner “business and industries”

Major Duties and Responsibilities: 
• National Coordination: Coordinate refinement and implementation of WWF Cameroun strategy on business and industries which include the promotion of a national integrated land use plan that reflects biodiversity consideration with all stakeholders; Promotion of environmental and social international norms and best practices for Agro-industries, extractive industries and big infrastructure projects in priority landscapes; based around the GHOA regional strategic plan and its different sub-strategies (business & industries and palm oil)
• Engagement: Promote, develop and strengthen relationships at senior levels with relevant government ministries (e.g. Agriculture, Mines, Economy and Planning, forestry, environment, …), the private sector (mining and oil companies, large scale agriculture companies and Chinese extractive and infrastructure companies), the donor community (in particular the World Bank, AfBD, COMIFAC and other CCPM members…) and national NGOs, related to business and industries development in Cameroun;
• Work with Agro-industries, companies Cocoa small holders on how they can optimize management of biodiversity areas in their plantation landscapes and reduce forest deforestation;
• Together with the Regional Palm Oil Coordinator, and in consultation with the Food Practice Team, facilitate collaboration and coordination of companies, the Government of Cameroon, investors, NGOs and other stakeholders, including organizations of RSPO road shows, to increase adoption of the RPSO requirements in the country;
• Work with relevant stakeholders to develop best practices/ Certification scheme for other relevant commodities (Rubber, Cocoa etc…) in Cameroon
• Oversee the appropriate implementation of the Regional Palm Oil Strategy in Cameroon to ensure sustainable palm oil production in Cameroon
• Capacity building/support: Support the government of Cameroun in setting the conditions for sustainable business & industries sector (including effective legislation); promoting education and awareness raising on best practices to manage negative impacts of the extractives sector within a context of sustainable land use management;
• Supervision: Supervise activities of the Business & Industries Officer and volunteers in the elaboration and implementation of CCPO’s work plans with regard to business & industries
• Communication. Ensure appropriate information flow between and among key stakeholders, including WWF country office staff, regional focal point, local communities, civil society, and key decision-makers in line with strategic plan. Build strong information network at the local to national level, supporting international communications as necessary in coordination with regional focal point;
• Regional collaboration: participate actively in the regional B&I team; sharing information and experiences and coordinating actions; assist in the development of a regional programme and network;
• Monitoring, fact-finding and reporting: Monitor existing and emerging developments relevant for extractive industry development in Cameroun; Facilitate fact-finding missions on the ground, emphasizing engagement of local civil society and report back to national and regional management;
• Promotion of Standards and tools: Track, monitor, and follow up with Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) associated with key projects and where identified as appropriate. Facilitate technical input and network engagement on other standards such as biodiversity offset; RSPO Principles and Criteria; IFC Performance Standards; ICMM Principles; etc.
• Fundraising. Identify opportunities and develop proposals to secure resources/financing for project activities and overall strategy implementation;
• Policy Support: facilitate WWF support to the Government on relevant global processes with potential impact on biodiversity such as the rolling out of the African Mining Vision, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, the Kimberley Process and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil as well as other initiatives like FOCAC and the different MEAs
Specific tasks in 2020- 2023 for Cameroon::

With a strong focus on Agro-industries, and mining and associated infrastructure development in the South and East regions and the larger TRIDOM INTERZONE:

• Develop, a close collaboration with the relevant “extractives” related Ministries in Cameroon, such as MinMIDT, SNH, MinEPAT, MinADER, MinEPDD, MinFOF in order to promote a broad dialogue with WWF, and between ministries, and between all stakeholders in the sector;
• Input the relevant technical inputs from the sector into the National Land use planning process;
• Sensitize and train civil society to play a lead role in engaging the private sector around best environmental practices, biodiversity conservation, social safeguards and company footprint etc. as well as a major role in policy and advocacy;
• Work closely with the TRIDOM manager and team for the development and implementation of Climate reliance business cases (MoMO4C, IDH and other related project);
• Work closely with the Kudu Zombo manager and team for the implementation of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) recommendations for the Palmoil development by CAMVERT;
• Develop, in close coordination with the landscape leads and field programme managers of the Campo-Ma’an, TRIDOM and the Cameroun segment of TNS, a strategy of engagement on the industrial development projects of Southern Cameroun (Large scale rubber and Palm oil plantation, Memve’ele dam, Chollet dam, deep sea port, numerous mines, railway line etc.)
• Support the organising, with the ‘TRIDOM team’ a Multi Stakeholders Platform, bringing together the representatives of private sectors, economic and political actors active in TRIDOM, conservation organisations and government representatives, in order to discuss and plan how to organise the most effective ‘cohabitation’ of extractives and conservation in the TRIDOM Interzone. (this is a regional activity that also affects, and will be supported by, WWF Gabon, WWF Congo and the TRIDOM team)
What you need:

Required Qualifications: 
• Minimum of a post graduate degree in the field of Agro-economics, sustainable development, natural resource management, business, or related field;
• A minimum of 5 years’ experience in the Agro-industries, extractive industry policy field, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) processes and/or environmental lobbying is desired;
• Strong working knowledge of and sensitivity to the political, social, and legal context within the Cameroun;
• Understanding of forest and wildlife policy, and natural resource management principles;
• Excellent people, diplomacy, and conflict resolution skills to handle complex and highly sensitive multi-stakeholder situations;
• Strong communication skills;
• Bilingual in French and English;
• Quick thinking; capability of reacting under pressure


The subject should read B&I-CO
NB: Applications which shall not respect the Subject stated above shall not be retrieved from the system.

Only those who meet the requirements will be contacted. If you have not been contacted one month after closing, please consider your application unsuccessful.

Deadline for applications: February 11th, 2020

Female applicants are encouraged.

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